The Difference to Medical Services

If you are healthy by standards of medicine, You can not go to a medical doctor and ask him:
“What to do in order to live longer healthily?”

That was the short version of the all decisive question.
The more pointed version would be “Do I need to heal my mitochondria and how to do it?” . . . and your doctor will not be able to deal with that either. Medicine itself is not structured in a way that would allow for such questions. The whole health system, including insurances and basic pharmacological and medical research is not configured for that. As a result, health care providers do not provide care for your health. It is a misnomer. In reality, they provide the possibility for repair. The medical office is a repair shop. And such it always was, ever since.
Accidents, infections and illnesses happened and shall be corrected. Longevity requires investments for the future. Insurances cover only the former. There are no disease codes for possible futures.

So, let’s take a closer look into that.

Everyone knows about Medicine.

The use of plants and minerals as medicine can be observed even in proto-cultural contexts such as the communities of chimpanzees. And ever since, medicine was sought after as a means of repair, when our bodies got injured, when we got sick from parasites, fevers or more serious ailments. And yes, even demons in the early days.

Medicine: The Science of Repair

Until today, medicine developed into a highly formalized area in human societies. As everything else, it got massively influenced by modern science, giving rise to evidence-based medicine. A huge corpus of knowledge has meanwhile be created, covering various disciplines, each of them with particular perspectives, techniques, treatments, and standards, not to forget pharmacological interventions. Gold standards defined for treatments, and drugs must be approved by the FDA.
Don’t misunderstand me here: That is all well-justified.

. . . and what is excluded by it

That positioning as a means of repair together with the orientation towards science created something that is nowadays known as Western Medicine. The subjects and topics of it are events in the past. Its methods need to be, at least in principle, be confirmed by rigorous, positivistic science. One of the hallmarks of that science, in fact any modern science, is the more or less complete control of experimental conditions, also known as the ceteris paribus condition.

That constellation, or self-image, however, creates large areas that are excluded from medicine. Basically, any more integrative perspective, spanning across different organ systems, or levels of organization, is currently excluded from a scientific medicinal approach. The complexity in the biology of a living organism renders the ceteris paribus approach of a dissecting positivistic science impossible. For the same reason, Randomized Controlled Trials, RCT, which are the methodological gold standard in medicine, are impossible for a large range of questions. RCTs have basically be conceived as observed interventions, experiments, very much in the style of experiments in a laboratory. Yet, with only a few exceptions we can not perform experiments with humans.

Randomized Controlled Trials are not suitable for or can’t be applied, if

  • the research question extends over a long period of time,

  • the subject matter touches a lot of variables, such as aging,

  • the target is a prospective personalized optimization.

Composing an Orientation towards the Future

Advancing beyond repair requires making looking forward a habit. We will need to integrate perspectives, aspects, actions and habits, and abolish the attitude of popping pills for isolated ailments. We have to work with the body, not against it. We have to move the body (and ourselves) from an pseudo-equilibrium residing in the wrong spot to a true sustainable equilibrium.

This requires a variety of skills and deep knowledge, from bio-chemistry, cell biology and physiology, to nutrition and movement coaching, and up to teaching and consulting regarding the handling blood lab tests and selecting supplements and using them in the right way.

Here at La Belle Vie you can expect an integrated strategy for your journey into a healthy future.

What to Find Beyond the Reach of Medicinal Repair ?

The future of an individual life. The habits a person develops.
The evaluation of further development based on a deep understanding of physiological mechanisms.
Private exploration, guided by the best available bio-physiological knowledge.
The believe, spirits and soul of a human life.
And the constructive integration of all of that.

La Belle Vie.

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