How to Start

Get to Know Us …

Want to start with a relaxing welcome, provided through a 30 minute massage?
(…small caveat here: you would need to be in Lisbon, or come over here…)

Or do you prefer an effective fascia work session? Maybe, even an introduction to Tai Chi? Those would be combined with a 15 minute conversation about your goals, also providing a basic evaluation of your status quo.
Another option would be a physiological consulting session of 30 minutes.

Any of those for just 40€ !!

In a first step together we will explore the possibilities for arranging and developing
your longevity journey.

What are the Five Hallmarks of Longevity ?

Often it is said that our Life Style, the style of living, strongly influences our health, and such our aging. Yet, such a statement is not precise enough in order to design meaningful action, as the concept of life style simply comprises everything.

Distinguishing some basic hallmarks of longevity provides a better structure.
Obviously, different perspectives and vectors of actions are possible here, as we are discussing elsewhere.

Anyway, from those cornerstones, the optimization of your physiology can be put to the center, for obvious reasons: If the biochemical machinery works as good as it is possible, your health will be stable. Inflammation will be low, and energy production good.

A good nutrition that supports longevity is much more than trying eating in the proverbial healthy way. A good nutrition is neither simple and trivial nor easy to design and maintain. Even eating “healthy” is easily and often falling short of essential micronutrients. That was indeed recognized more than 2300 years ago by Hippocrates who said “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” We will help you to setup the first steps, and will provide you with the necessary knowledge, including the selection of appropriate supplements.

Activity targets the circulation of anything each and every cell of your body needs… and everything it needs to get rid of. Yet, just going a bit to the gym, or performing some exercises does not do the trick. A good understanding of anatomy and deep knowledge of physiology is needed to actually see the desired effects and pepare for long-term benefits, supporting longevity. We offer trainings for a personalized balanced optimization of flexibility, strength, and coordination.

Surprisingly, the importance of aesthetics for longevity is often overlooked. Yet, the skin is not just a mirror of our physiology and nutrition. For the trained eye, systemic inflammation and even the activity of stem cells are on display. Our appearance strongly influences our mental state, which actually affects the immune system, exercise tolerance as well as cognitive performance. In collaboration with our partners from the aesthetics sector we have dedicated programs and coachings such as detox massages and training for the lymphatic system in place that support your attempts to preserve your youthful look.

The integration of all of those aspects is achieved by Well-Being. Whether is by relaxation massages, meditation or tai chi, aspects of the mind get important here.

Example : If weight and nutrition are already ok …

Nowadays it is becoming more and more obvious that movement is the single most effective habit to stay healthy, by far. Consequently, movement is not only a cornerstone in our approach at La Belle Vie as well. Our Ease of Move mobility training wil be the main vehicle on your longevity journey, because there is much more to it than the effects on the cardio vascular system.

From all the various ways to move the body around, mobility training with an emphasis on fascia is one of the most accessible and effective ways to elicit beneficial effects on health. Our Ease of Move mobility training is tailored to individual needs and may also include targeted building exercises.

Example : If you think your nutrition is an open issue…

If you are not making progress in certain areas of your health and you constantly feel as if not being able to reach your full potential, or simply if you stuggle with your weight, the culprit may be hidden in certain aspects of your nutrition in relation to your physiology.

Such, as a novice in regards to the orientation towards longevity you may first focus on nutritional aspects or physiological consulting. That area between food science, eating and the final physiological effects is not only absolutely vast and highly individual, but therefore also largely uncharted by standard medicine or dietary advice. We will check you data in reference to the latest science in those fields, something you can hardly get elsewhere in a comparable form, not even by those services employing AI for a coarse, and often rather indfferent statement about your physiology.

Ultimately however, only La Belle Vie can offer you a full circle approach, integrating bio-physiology, nutrition and movement… and last but not least and not to forget, wellness as well.

Book your welcome package or a free evaluation now!